主页 > 下载最新版imtoken钱包 > 你在比特币交易中赚了多少钱?


下载最新版imtoken钱包 2023-01-18 12:14:17

第一次接触比特币是在 2013 年秋天(反映我对新事物的理解严重滞后,13 年才第一次了解,惭愧),当时美国刚刚宣布比特币合法,价格飞涨。比特币已成为讨论的热门话题。于是比特币每次牛市大顶计算,怀着一夜暴富的心态,我,一个当时那么嫩的新鲜韭菜,看了几篇新闻文章后,在测试前找到了一个有搜索结果的交易网站(好像不能现在开),在没有和女朋友商量的情况下,我在里面充了10000元,晚上9点充值,12点小赚了1000元,这是在一个完全无意识的操作状态(但费体力,每隔几秒刷新一次网页,当然后来证明,没有大脑操作毕竟不能致富),直到现在我还记得当时的兴奋,好像找到了致富的捷径,所以我决定再投资5万,在接下来的几天里,看到账户里的浮动利润越来越多,自信心超级爆棚,仿佛美好的明天就在眼前。然后,情况变得更糟,该国宣布比特币为非法。瀑布开始。后来才知道,我刚刚追上了13岁的大丁,nnd。十多天时间,账户从浮盈近3万变成浮亏2万,比特币价格也从最高点下跌了近一半。对当时的我来说,这一切似乎都是一场灾难。前面激动,后面郁闷。所以我一有时间就读盘,每天只睡四五个小时。工作和生活的节奏被彻底打乱了,脑子里只有一件事:起床。但是我有一个特点比特币每次牛市大顶计算,就是宁愿掉肉也不要切肉(小白经常犯的所有问题我都有)。接下来的一个月,是我迄今为止交易最频繁的时期。比特币、莱特币和我从未听说过的各种山寨币(当时超过 90% 的山寨币都不存在)被蒙蔽了双眼。JB的运行或许是个奇迹——其实在涨跌的过程中总会出现一两个小的次高点。另外,山寨币的兴起是有滞后的(不过当时没看懂),


从长远来看,这种投资经验实际上是相当有益的。首先,我接触到了比特币这个新事物,并用简单粗暴的方式揭开了她的面纱。第二,让我明白一个道理,不要把希望寄托在你根本不明白的事情上。然后开始关注投资相关的新闻和知识,阅读了一些投资和社会学方面的书籍,比如《聪明的投资者》、《可怜的查理的书》、《巴菲特致股东的信》、《乌合之众》等。 、《社会心理学》等比较经典的作品,甚至还读过《经济学原理》、《国富论》等学校教材,不断的完善和冲击着我的思想,我的专业是计算机,对科技有着天生的敏感度,但一直对经济投资迟缓,所以我这几年有意识地弥补了自己在这方面的短板,因为毕竟在未来,我希望能够用钱赚钱。研究了比特币白皮书,看了一些比特币的源代码,但没有全部看完,主要是平时工作忙,比较懒惰,但基本知道她是什么。有两位同事出去成立了一家专注于技术研究的区块链初创公司。我公司也发行代币。如果我无事可做,我会和他们聊天。相信无论各种虚拟货币的未来前景如何,区块链Chain技术在未来一定会大行其道,甚至可能成为吃饭的工作。

In a blink of an eye, it was May 2018. During a classmate dinner, everyone talked about their current situation. One of the classmates mentioned that he was mining. At that time, most people should have heard about mining for the first time, so he It started with the basic concepts of Bitcoin, and then talked about exchanges, mining farms, mining profit models and various risks, etc. Because I have done my homework, I listened with great interest, and there are some disagreements. A few words were also discussed. It is estimated that I am also more interested. He later asked me to discuss this topic in detail on WeChat several times. Both parties have the same goal to strengthen their understanding of mining investment and try to avoid pitfalls as much as possible. However, it turned out that it seemed that I benefited more from it, and my investment amount gradually exceeded his ^_^. At that time, I analyzed that there were two main risks in mining. 1.The systemic risk of Bitcoin itself. At that time, the players were still mainly retail geeks, and they belonged to the products outside the mainstream society. Unlike now, there are a large number of financial institutions involved. The attitudes of governments in various countries have always been relatively ambiguous, and the prospects are not clear. 2. The risk of the mine itself. It is necessary to determine whether the operator to be invested is a capital market, and whether its operational capability can ensure long-term stable returns for investors. What I read before was related to long-term value investing, which allowed me to initially establish a set of investment concepts, but my short-term technical capabilities have not been improved. Besides, I am usually busy with work, and speculating on coins will make me toss. Crash, after all, there are previous cases. It seems that mining is more suitable for me. After the general direction was set, I decided to take further action. Next, I invited the classmate to have a meal alone, and asked him to introduce the specific situation of the mine in detail. For the sake of safety, I also went to visit the computer room of the mine to confirm that they were really there. Mining instead of funds. After all, this industry is a mixed bag, and there are more liars than the actual ones. This time I don’t want to invest money in a daze. Of course, the need to make money is one aspect, and more importantly, I hope this investment can become a training ground for my next financial planning. So after thinking and investigating for half a year (actually because of procrastination), I invested 100,000 yuan to test the water. During this period, I checked a lot of information on the Internet, and read a lot of big V's views. One of the views that I agree with the most is that the most important thing in investing is to find high-quality assets and increase the number of investment targets if possible. , switching to Bitcoin is to increase the amount of currency held, and this coincides with the advantages of mining. Of course, it may also be because I am mining that I love Wujiwu’s approval of this view, welcome to discuss. At that time, I firmly believed that Bitcoin will usher in a bull market sooner or later, and whoever has more coins will have more income. Finally, based on this simple economic model that can be calculated by elementary multiplication, I began to gradually increase The road to re-mining of warehouses and selling coins. It's been two and a half years since I've been on this road.


There was also a small episode in the middle of 19 years. One day, a former colleague who had a good relationship suddenly approached me and said that someone had introduced a virtual currency that was being privately offered (I have forgotten the name), and asked me if I wanted to participate, whether it was 10,000 or tens of thousands for one eth exchange . At that time, I thought it might be a scam, but the gambler's psychology was troubled again, he bought two eth, recharged it for the other party, and he could sell it after half a year of lock-up. On the day of the launch, it rose more than ten times, but because I was mentally prepared from the beginning, and I invested very little money, this time I was not as emotional as the first time. Sure enough, just like the routines of other air coins, the price began to decline after it peaked on the day of issuance. After a month, it fell below the private placement price and gradually moved towards zero. So, I understand, quit the group. Now, hastily ended this investment that should not have happened. Because of the cable pull, my colleague apologized and wanted to compensate me for the loss, but I didn't.



现在是 2020 年 3 月。总结一下挖矿的整体收益:我自己投资的本金差不多 100 万,手头的数字资产包括:1.300 万台矿机(比特币和另一种货币),为了避免打广告的嫌疑,我就不说了,简写为F币)2.虚拟币:除了已经卖掉的那些,手里还剩5个多一点的比特币,加100万可开采 预计这些币可能会在今年下半年的某个时间出售并变现。现在我可以得到这个收益,远远超过我入市时的预期。到目前为止,这是我唯一成功的数字货币投资。

I have written so much in a running account. In summary, I think there are several key conclusions, which are a little summary of my investment in the past few years:


1.It can be clearly deduced from the two failed investment experiences: don’t pin your hopes on something you don’t understand at all, even if you can’t help but want to try it, don’t have too much hope for it, otherwise hope The bigger the disappointment, the bigger the disappointment. Of course, it is not ruled out that someone has a good fate, but if you have that fate, it is better to buy a lottery ticket.

2.From this relatively successful experience and the experience of working in Internet companies for many years, especially in start-up companies, I understand a truth. As long as the general direction of something is right, we must find a way to participate. In contemporary society The fault tolerance rate is very high, you are not afraid of being wrong, but the cost of missing is very high. I am very fortunate that in 2018, on the premise of doing some homework, I ventured into the field of virtual currency, which once made me dead and alive. I just entered the venue with a different posture, otherwise this memoir will end at the first paragraph. Points 1 and 2 seem to be contradictory, but they are actually the same. The key point is your cognition.


3.因为我认为比特币是一种储值资产(可以说和黄金不同,但至少这种效应已经从这次全球放水开始形成了),所以除了年熊市 1819 年,除了卖币再投资,不管是去年的3.12 飞下 3000 英尺,当时价格反弹突破之前的 20000 美元高点,然后涨到 40000 美元,和然后回到 30,000 美元,然后又升至 58,000 美元。我一直牢牢占据着位置,没有急于卖出。这次在 56000 美元的高点卖出了两个比特币,有点巧合,因为矿机价格上涨了,所以我才出手,因为按照我的计算,这样做之后的利润会更大。





6.In investing, mentality is the most important thing. It is easy to lose money when you worry about gains and losses. If you can forget about your own investment for a period of time, it means that your state is better adjusted. Two and a half years is not too long or too short. Compared with some big bosses who can easily make hundreds of millions of income, it is really a drop in the bucket, but it is also better than those who go bankrupt because of contracts. After all, in addition to the income from mining, I can still get a normal salary by going to work. Isn't the assets of Mr. Buffett increased significantly after the age of 60.

7.Finally, and most importantly, the investment method that suits you is the best investment method. Don’t compare yourself with others.
